The Advanced Teaching Activities certificate program addresses competencies that are required of the clinical preceptor in the competency coach role and as a teacher outside the clinical setting. The competency coach is described in the Fundamental Teaching Activities (FTA) Framework as "An educational advisor along the course of learner's training, guiding development of competencies." The task for teacher outside the clinical setting is to the "design and delivery of teaching sessions outside the clinical setting."
Our program is available to all faculty members of the department who are members of the CFPC or who are members of the Royal College and teach family medicine residents. The Advanced teaching skills certificate is available to faculty who have successfully completed the fundamental teaching skills certificate.
Completion of the advanced certificate program includes four areas of study:
1. Study modules
2. Attendance at a faculty development event
3. Presentation at a faculty development event or faculty development curriculum development
4. Peer to Peer Observation and Feedback
The Advanced Teaching Activities certificate program addresses competencies that are required of the clinical preceptor in the competency coach role and as a teacher outside the clinical setting. The competency coach is described in the Fundamental Teaching Activities (FTA) Framework as "An educational advisor along the course of learner's training, guiding development of competencies." The task for teacher outside the clinical setting is to the "design and delivery of teaching sessions outside the clinical setting."
The Faculty Member will complete the following 5 core modules and 3 elective modules:
i. The Learner in Difficulty
ii. How to teach Critical Thinking
iii. Teaching International Medical Graduates
iv. Inter-Professional Education
v. Conflict Resolution
ELECTIVE (Choose 3)
i. How to Support Learners in Research
ii. Generational learning styles
iii. Wellness and resiliency
iv. Improving didactic and presentation skills
v. Information Mastery for Medical Teachers
vi. Coaching the exceptional learner
vii. Developing learning plans
vii. Other - please contact to discuss criteria
It is expected that studies on these topics will involve interaction with peers and some self-reflection and will last 90-120 minutes each. Many of these modules can be obtained through PBSG-Ed modules from McMaster, through participation in Clinician as Teacher course offered by Dalhousie or Teaching and Assessing Critical Thinking (TACT) course by Dalhousie. You may also have opportunity to participate at other faculty development events where these topics are covered. If you think you have covered a topic in another format, please contact, with a request to review your activity.
The requirement to attend a faculty development event can be fulfilled by attending a Dalhousie Family Medicine Faculty Development Weekend or workshop of at least 2 hours in length.
The event that was used for the Fundamental Teaching Certificate cannot be used for the advanced program. Attendance at the event should have occurred in the past five years.
If you feel that you cannot meet this requirement, please contact the Director of Faculty Development to discuss further
Preparation and presentation of a faculty development topic or development of faculty development curriculum.
The observation and feedback can be delivered by a faculty educator from Dalhousie Family Medicine. Please contact your site faculty development coordinator or for a list of available faculty educators in your region.
Upon completion of all requirements please contact You may also contact the faculty development coordinator at your site if you would like to request a review of credits. Awarding of equivalent credits is at your faculty development coordinator's sole discretion.
Keep track of your Advanced Certificate progress by downloading this checklist
FD Certificate Tracking Advanced (pdf)